Welcome to BMS College for Women , Autonomous. | "Provisional results of UG V semester end examinations of B.Com.,B.C.A.,B.B.A, B.Voc.RM, B.Voc. IT & BA, December/January-2024-2025 Announced Today, i.e., 29TH, January, 2025 in UUCMS Portal."


Office Of The Controller of Examination

The examination process of our institution is clear, adjustable, and impartial.
A sound platform for highly secured and hassle-free conduction of IT-integrated exams and error-free valuation.


  • To promote the composition of the Board of Examiners with Heads of the Departments.
  • Formation and notification of End Semester Exam Timetable notably 3 weeks previously starting the exams.
  • Ensuring admit cards to the qualified candidates.
  • Executing the End Semester Exams for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs
  • To conduct examinations as per the regulations of the University
  • Ensuing of Marks Card, Degree Certificate
  • The inception of change in the examination, and assessment system with the ratification of the Academic Council
  • The examination reforms brought about in the college are in the form of multiple-choice questions, viva, and a credit-based system.
  • The Malpractice inquiry committee will conduct the meeting, and, the students involved in malpractice cases will be called before the committee, and, a penalty will be imposed for the students involved in malpractice according to KSOU Act.
  • Publication of results on time in an autonomous institute would curtail the stress witnessed during the university exam.
  • National Academic Depository (NAD) is born out of an initiative to provide an online storehouse of all academic awards. BMSCWA is registered with the National Academic Depository (NAD) and Academic Bank of Credits (ABC).
  • In the long run, Examination reforms include designing question papers to include course outcome, program outcome, and Bloom’s taxonomy, emphasizing the application of knowledge, open-book exams to justify equity, contributing to the integrated approach.

Faculties of the Department:

  • a)The first component (C1) of the assessment is for 20% marks.
  • b)The second component (C2) of the assessment is for 20% marks. A candidate shall be declared to have passed the program if she secures at least 40% of marks or a CGPA of 4.0.in the aggregate of both internal assessment and semester-examination marks put together in each unit such as theory papers/ practical/fieldwork/ internship/project work/dissertation/viva-voce provided the candidate has secured at least 40% of marks in the semester-end examinations in each unit.

Continuous assessment for PG courses:

10% of the total marks per paper will be awarded based on the performance in any one activity \Another 20% of the marks will be awarded on the basis of a mid-Semester Test.

Transparency in the Examination Section:

UG & PG students who were not satisfied with the evaluation can apply for revaluation subsequently within the definite time.
However, there is no revaluation for practical examination, viva voce, or dissertation.

Examination Grievance Cell:

Grievances related to exams can be mailed by the students within the stipulated time to gricoe@bmscw.edu.in

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