Welcome to BMS College for Women , Autonomous. | "Provisional results of UG V semester end examinations of B.Com.,B.C.A.,B.B.A, B.Voc.RM, B.Voc. IT & BA, December/January-2024-2025 Announced Today, i.e., 29TH, January, 2025 in UUCMS Portal."


BMS College for Women constituted Covid-19 Cell on 28th May 2020 to address student grievances related to examinations and academic activities during Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 Cell was extended further with more members to form Covid Task Force on10th November 2020 as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provided by UGC and the Government of Karnataka. The Covid Task Force prepared the college for reopening on 17th November 2020 in pandemic situation.With principal’s guidance the college took many initiatives and tasks to take care of hygiene of the college and students.


S.No Name Department Designation Phone Number
1. Dr. Nanda N Principal Advisor 9448710435
2 Dr. Sujatha D (+91-9880128788) Mathematics Convenor 9880128788
3 Smt. Roopa D R Phy. Edn Co-Convener 9844183677
4 Dr. Anitha P Botany Member 9880722997
5 Smt. Savitha B M Chemistry Member 9480609868
6 Smt. ArunaAkula Computer Science Member 9986342411
7 Smt. Vyshali V M Biotechnology Member 9986780028
8 Smt. Vijayalakshmi S Dept. of Commerce Member 9036017771
9 Smt. Sunanda A Dept. of Commerce Member 9242523096
10 Smt. Oviya PG Dept. of Commerce Member 9731733419
11 Sri Vijay Chandra Rao Business Administration Member 9342409875
12 Dr. Chaya Dubey Sociology Member 8601188880
13 Sri. Anil Kumar R Library Member 8073995372


1 Smt. Nalina L Dept. of Computer Science 9482731657
2 Smt. Bhuwaneshwari Dept. of Commerce 9740500117
3 Dr. Shilpa S Dept. of Psychology 9620003337
4 Smt. Sushma Dept. of Commerce 9743728550
5 Smt. Bhuwaneshwari.K Dept. of Mathematics 9902737571
6 Smt. Ishwarya.J Dept. of Commerce 9108462401
7 Dr. Ramkumar Dept. of Sanskrit 9008002367
8 Smt. Parimala Dept. of Commerce 9164617361
9 Smt. Prathiba Dept. of Commerce 9739318880
10 Smt. Mytreyi Dept. of Physics 8088772910
11 Dr. Mohammad Riyaz Dept. of Hindi 8904461826
12 Smt. Ashwini C Dept. of B.Voc -RM 9686982430
13 Smt. Manjula L Dept. of Kannada 9886697749
14 Smt. Pooja Pradeep K Dept. of English 8951577563
15 Smt. Vijayalakshmi U Shanbhag Dept. of Mathematics 8747815637
16 Smt. Sharayu. C.J Dept. of Journalism 9972427432
17 Smt. Pallavi B K Dept. of English 9902722775
18 Smt. DivyaKumble Dept. of PG Chemistry 9844667673
19 Smt. Divyashree B Rao Dept. of Computer Science 8050330371
20 Smt. Sowbhagya Dept. of Computer Science 9483023074

Many sub-committees were constituted to carry out various tasks in preparing the college. A meeting was held on 13th November 2020 to discuss about the plan of action of the sub-committees.

Sub-committees are as follows :


  • Smt. VyshaliV.M, Convener
  • Smt. Sunanda .A, Member
  • Smt. Ashwini.C, Member
  • Smt. Pooja Pradeep, Member

The Poster committee formed under Covid Task Force, made posters on the awareness of the covid which were based on the guidelines and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provided by UGC and the Government of Karnataka.

To spread awareness on covid-19, the committee took up the responsibility of displaying the posters in the college campus, various posters were made:

  • A poster of general instructions for the students is displayed at the entrance of the college.
  • Mask must be worn in the campus
  • Cleanliness to be maintained
  • Use of hand sanitizer frequently
  • Must maintain social distancing
  • Installation of AarogyaSetu app
  • Prohibition of sharing books, learning material and eatables
  • Must maintain 6ft of distance from others
  • Poster on Respiratory etiquettes / Cough etiquettes
  • The list of the covid core committee members and covid working committee members along with their contact number is displayed through a poster.
  • Route map of primary health center which is in the college and which is closest to the college (BMS hospital) is displayed.
  • Contact numbers of the help line committee is displaced in all the floors of the college.


  • Smt. Nalini .L, Convenor
  • Smt. ArunaAkula, Member
  • Smt. Divyashree.B.Rao, Member
  • Uploaded SOP and Parent consent letter format in the website under notification.
  • Committee has sent an email to the developer to upload the general instructions for the students that must be followed while attending the offline classes.
  • Committee has sent poster regarding the covid-19 awareness, and the developer is working on it.
  • The committee has uploaded the study materials on the website.


  • Smt. Vijayalakshmi S, Convenor
  • Smt.Sushma. K, Member

As per Government order all precautionary measures were taken and SOP was followed.

  • Smt. SushmaBharadwaj is appointed by the college as a counsellor to the students. College has counselling center also. Counselling sessions were held for the students before the start of the classes.
  • On starting day i.e. on 17th November 2020 Smt. SushmaBharadwajaddressed students and briefed them about the safety measures to be adopted while attending the classes. The session was helpful for the students.


  • Sri.Anil Kumar, Convener
  • Smt.Parimala,Member
  • Smt. Manjula,Member
  • Dr. Mohammad Riyaz, Member

The committee made sure that all the staff members, students were wearing masks and maintaining social distance at the entry . At the entry gate, proper arrangements were made and safety measures were taken. Blocks were painted at 6 feet distance for the students to stand in the que and enter the college. Two non- teaching staffs were allotted at the entry gate. Also two teaching staff members were monitoring the entry. Student willing to attend offline classes, were asked to produce two documents in duplicate

a. COVID-19 - Negative report

b. Parent consent letter

One set was asked to drop in the college box for college reference and the other set was acknowledged with the college seal so that they can produce it whenever they reenter the college.

Thermal scanning was done to each student and a sanitizer disposer was kept at the entry gate. Records are maintained on daily basis.


  • Dr.Chaya Dubey, Convener
  • Smt. Prathiba, Member
  • Smt.Ishwarya.J, Member
  • Dr.RamkumarNSM , Member

Exit gate committee was constituted to maintain the discipline near exit gate of the college. Many necessary measures were taken to see that students exit in que maintaining social distance. Committee members and office people monitored the exit gate throughout the day.

College had organized Covid-19 test to students from BBMP. The committee saw that the tests were conducted properly. The test was conducted everyday from 17th to 21st November 2020 between 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Nearly 300 students got tested.


  • Smt.Roopa D.R- Incharge Faculty

Students were advised to practice Yoga and Pranayam to stay mentally and physically fit. The college made arrangements to conduct yoga and pranayama classes in the open auditorium. This facility enables students to maintain physical and mental health. During the first week a batch of 10 students participated in the training.


  • Dr. Anitha .P , Convenor
  • Sri.Vijay Chandra Rao) , Member
  • Smt. Bhuvaneshwari (Commerce)) , Member
  • Dr. Shilpa, Member
  • Dr.Oviya , Member
  • Dr. Bhuvaneshwari.K (Mathematics) , Member
  • Smt.Manjula (Kannada) , Member

As per the SOP of the government, the college needs to collect the parent and student feedback about the arrangements made by the college to start offline classes and also about the teaching in online and offline classes. The committee prepared feedback forms under the guidance of principal . The feedback forms will be distributed among the students who attended the offline classes and would be collected from them and the analysis would be submitted to the government.p>

First week, task was completed successfully and will be continued for the coming weeks.


  • Smt.SavithaB.M, Convenor
  • Smt.Sharayu, Member
  • Smt.DivyaKumble, Member
  • Smt. Mytreyi, Member
  • Smt.VijayalakshmiShanbag, Member

This Committee is determined in preventing the spread of Corona virus by all possible means like creating awareness among students, teaching and non-teaching staff, taking precautionary measures to control the spread of the virus and counselling the students in order to make them stay calm in this pandemic.

The members of the committee are monitoring the students regarding Covid-19 symptoms, ensuring that the students and staff wear masks and maintain social distance and so on.

On 17 November 2020 at 10.00am, a meeting was organized to ensure the safety measures taken for welcoming the students for Offline classes. Members of all the teams under the committee gave a detailed report of the preparations made by them for offline classes to the convenor. Arrangements of Isolation room, collection of Covid-19 test reports and consent letters from the students, sanitisation at the end of the day were the highlights of the meeting.

The team is in charge of imposing a fine of Rs. 50 for not wearing masks. If any student was found not wearing a mask was asked to pay the fine and provided the students with a mask. And the team is regularly taking photographs of the arrangements made by the committee and college to have safe offline classes.


  • Smt. Sowbhagya, Convenor
  • Smt. PallaviBK, Member

The committee, with its special concern towards the students, is sending messages to the students through Optra about the awareness, importance of the safety and hygiene during this pandemic along with the updates of academics and other activities conducted in the college.

Optra message was sent to the parents regarding reopening of the college from November 17, 2020 one week before and the students were informed to bring Covid test report and parents’ consent letter to attend the offline classes.

Committee is also responsible for sending consolidated report to the principal and the covid cell.

Convenor Dr. Sujatha D and co-convenor Smt. Roopa under the guidance of principal Dr. Nanda. N. managed the entire Covid Cell and supervised all the works of the committees.

No problem was encountered during the week and the college functioned smoothly.

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