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SC/ST Cell

In line with the affirmative policy of Government of India, BMS College for Women has resolved that the affirmative policies, programmes, schemes, facilities would be provided to the persons belonging to socially, Educationally and economically weaker sections of the society.

The college is committed to provide an environment that promotes diversity and respects everyone regardless of Caste, color, religious belief or cultures. While maintaining diversity of all kinds, it also commits to ensuring protection of everyone including SC/STs and acting as per the provisions of constitution of India in such matters. In order to create a living and working environment where all students feel safe and respected and with a view to ensure implementation of the affirmative policy of the Government of India/UGC and related orders issued by such authorities from time to time for the benefit of SC/STs, BMS College for Women established the SC/ST Cell according to Governing Body resolution.

The SC/ST Cell provides comprehensive preventive and proactive services to all such students enrolled for various academic programmes in the college. The goal of thecell is to enhance the psychological well being of SC/ST/ students at BMS College for Women so they can take full advantage of the educational opportunities at the college.

The college has also appointed Nodal Officers to oversee the effective implementation of reservation policies/rules related to SC/ST as per Government of India/UGC notifications.

The present Nodal Officers of the SC/ST Cell in the college are as follows:

Members Department Designation
Mr. Bhanuprakash Dept of Commerce Convenor
Smt. Kavya M V Dept of BVOC-IT Member
Sri.Manjappa Ningappa Kurahatti FDA Member

The overall functions of SC/ST Cell at BMS College for Women are the following:

  • Informal Advisory Committee on SCs/STs
  • Ensuring Reservation policies in regard to SCs/STs
  • Complaint Register for SCs/STs
  • Maintenance of Reservation Rosters/Registers
  • To ensure compliance of the orders of reservation issued and other benefits
  • Admissible from time to time in favor of SC/ST
  • To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  • To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any events at the campus.
  • To communicate with the UGC. with respect to supply of required information, answering queries and clearing doubts with respect to reservations data/information etc.
  • To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the career growth of SCs/STs students.
  • To circulate State Government and UGC’s decisions about different scholarship programs.
  • To communicate with Office of the Commissioner for SC/STs in response of representations/ complaints.

Activities for the year 2021

SC/ST Cell organised a virtual guest lecture on “Social Justice - A Stepping Stone towards the Development” on 07 January 2021 at 11:00 a.m.

Speaker: Mr. Hariram A, Advocate and Guest Faculty

No of participants: 90

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