Welcome to BMS College for Women , Autonomous. | "Provisional results of I & III semester end examinations of M.Com., M.Sc. Chemistry and M.Sc. Mathematics of February/March-2025 Announced Today, i.e., 13TH, March, 2025 in UUCMS Portal."

'BMS Adventurers' the Adventure Club:

BMS College for Women, Basavangudi, Bangalore started the adventure club in association with GETHNAA,(Gen. Thimaiah Adventure Academy) Bangalore in the year 2019. It's an opportunity for the students to explore the spirit of adventure amidst nature. There are basically three kinds of activities namely Terrestrial, Ariel and Aqua, organized by the Academy at various identified localities. The students are selected after screening and they are briefed about the precautions that have to be taken care of during the camp.


To inculcate the spirit of adventure and fitness.


  • To develop leadership skills.
  • To encourage team work.
  • To appreciate the wilderness of nature.

Committee Members

Name Designation Department Designation
Lt.Dr. M. Geethasree (+91-9986021808) Asst. Prof Department of Hindi Convenor
Smt. Sushma Lecturer Department of Commerce Member
Dr. Mohd. Riyaz Khan Asst. Prof Department of Hindi Member
Sri. Harish Lecturer Department of History Member
Sri. Pramod Kumar K Lecturer Department of Physics Member
Smt. Rachana Lecturer Department of Commerce Member
Smt. Aishwarya.J Lecturer Department of Commerce Member
Smt. Swati.K.Iyer Lecturer Department of Commerce Member
Sri. BhanuPrakash Lecturer Department of Commerce Member



Sgt. Rupa R of 2nd B.Com was selected as a part of the team from Karnataka to attend the Basic Mountaineering Camp at SonMarg in Jammu and Kashmir from 25/9/2019 to 25/10/2019.



Reshma of III B.Com and Divyasri of III. B.Sc attended a 10 day Basic Rock Climbing Camp at Badami, organised by GETHNAA, Bangalore in November 2020.


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