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Women Cell

Name Department Designation
Dr. N. Raghukumara Sociology Member
Dr. Chaya Dubey Sociology Member
Dr. Sheela Devi S. Malimath Kannada Member
Smt. Neethu G. S. Library Member
Smt. Bhavana Ashok Comp. Sc Member
Smt. Parimala Kulkarni Commerce Member
Smt. Gayathri B H PG-Chemistry Member

Women’s Cell believes in organizing rallies, seminars, programmes to call-to action the focus on Woman’s rights and Women Safety.

Activities Planned by the Cell :

  • Women’s Day celebration in collaboration with BMSCE and BMS College for Law, Walkerton and talk by motivational speakers like Mr K Annamalai, IPS. Talk by Women Entrepreneur like Mrs Pavithra Muddaya

Guest Lectures On

  • Cybercrimes
  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition and Diet
  • Womens Safety
  • Science and Culture


BMS College for Women has a great culture of encouraging and empowering women. Cultural programs, Student felicitation programs are organized throughout the year in the college. In this context the cultural forum of the college has came up with an initiative called “Learn and Earn” for the benefit of the students. Under this concept of “Learn and Earn”, the Cultural Forum of BMS College for Women conducted classes for students on various cultural events like Dance, Singing, Anchoring, Fashion Walk and Musical Instruments. The classes were held in the college campus during weekdays, after the academic classes. The interested students could register their names for the classes. Talented and Certified students teach different cultural activities to their peers for which they will be paid a nominal amount by the college to encourage them to teach.

The purpose of this initiative is to develop the entrepreneur skills in the students and to encourage the students to indulge themselves in cultural activities. The student Trainers who were certified to teach and were successful in doing the same were, Chandana PM of II B.Com. ‘A’ for Fashion Walk, Sinchana of II B.Com.forKathak and Manasa of II B.Com. for Bharathanatyam.

The students, who were trained in these classes, took part in Talents Day at B.M.S. College for Women and many other intercollegiate competitions. This is helping them to explore different cultural aspects and gain confidence.

College Management, Principal, Lecturers rendered their support and monitored the students constantly.



Karnataka SarvodayaSangh, an institution in Bangalore promotes Khadi Products. It is an institution which implementkhadi production activities in the villages as enunciated by Mahatma Gandhi and through this activity giving employment to needy village artisans and poor agriculturist. The institution is 90 years and is function is prior to independence.

Karnataka Sarvodaya Sangh organized a two day exhibition in our college in view of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The exhibition aimed at propularizing Khadi Products . The Exhibition was inaugurated by Mr. Murali Krishna, Director BMSCW.Degree Principal Dr Nanda N and PU Principal Mrs.Padma were present on the occasion.


Women’s Cell Activites 2019-2020

Bengaluru: In view of International Women’s Day celebrated on 08th March 2020, the women’s Cell of B.M.S. College for Women organized a one week program.

Day 1: 02nd March 2020

Inauguration function of the celebration of Women’s Day, Dr. Nanda N, Principal, B.M.S. College for Women inaugurated the program by watering plant at B.S. Narayan Memorial Auditorium, B.M.S. College for Women.

She addressed the students about the importance of Women’s Day and encouraged the students to participate in all the programs planned for the week

A singing series was held as the cultural part of the inaugural function. Students and staff participated in the program. They rendered heart touching songs on women, mother, etc.

Day 2: 03rd March 2020

On the second day the topic was “Fitness and Self Defense”. Students participated in the program. They gave demonstration on self defense and Ms. Manasa D of IIIB.Voc. RM displayed various Asanas of yoga. She spoke on benefits and importance of yoga. The crowd appreciated her skills under Asanas.

Day 3: 04th March 2020

The competition of poster and collage making was held for students. The topic was Women Empowerment. Large number of students participated in the programme enthusiastically.

Day 4: 05th March 2020

Short films were screened for the students which were with inspiring stories which motivated the students. The films were women oriented and with message that women can achieve in any field. The films that were screened were The Yellow Festival and The Girls Talent.

Day 5: 06th March 2020

A cultural program was organized for students and staff. The participants were students and staff of the college. The students participated in various dances based on women’s courage, determination and hard work. Fashion show by students expressed that women has the ability to work in all fields. Along with students, staff also participated in the fashion show to encourage the students.

A talk on “Corona virus” was arranges at 4PM to both staff and students. Dr. Megha , Health Consultant, BMS Hospital, Bangalore, gave a talk to create awareness of the virus. It was a good interactive session.

Day 6: 07th March 2020

On the last day, a rally was held in the college premises. The students holding placards regarding women’s role in all spheres of life and gave awareness to the audience.

B.M.S. College for Women has always strived for the Women Empowerment which was the vision of the Founder Sri. B.S. Narayan. In this regard the college organized all these various events and activities, students were informed about women empowerment and encouraging them for their higher studies and a career in all fields. The students expressed their happiness for conducting these events which motivated them in many ways.

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