Welcome to BMS College for Women , Autonomous. | "Provisional results of I & III semester end examinations of M.Com., M.Sc. Chemistry and M.Sc. Mathematics of February/March-2025 Announced Today, i.e., 13TH, March, 2025 in UUCMS Portal."

Training & Development

1 The placement department aims to create awareness of various available job opportunities (based on their course) Students are encouraged to pick up internships or freelancing or volunteering acts so that they understand the market better Students are mandated to pick up internships so that they can become better employees
2 Students are urged to take up at least one certification course Students are urged to take up at least one certification course in their core area The placement department conducts various trainings and workshops on areas such as resume building, mock interviews, group discussions, case studies, etiquettes, and more to help students gain more confidence to clear interviews
3 Students are trained on communication skills - Business communication (written & and verbal) and presentation skills
The placement department and 3rd party vendors collaborate to conduct various trainings and workshops on areas such as quantitative aptitude, verbal & non-verbal reasoning, analytical skills, data interpretation etc. Job drives are conducted to create a platform for students & corporates to have a win-win situation
4 The placement department would provide counseling & mentoring, as needed

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